Smarowanie pompy do betonu


Concrete Pump Lubrication


Concrete Pump Lubrication A concrete pump is generally considered to be a construction machine whose task is to transport and pump concrete in horizontal and vertical directions. We distinguish concrete pumps: stationary, mobile, tracked, car, mixer pumps, depending on the type of concrete transport and dosing. The most popular and...

Refrigeration grease


Refrigeration grease - what is the best grease for devices operating at low temperatures? Cold stores and cooling tunnels are places with extreme working conditions, which place specific demands on the devices and lubricants used in them. Working in such conditions requires the use of lubricants that will withstand low...

dust-resistant grease with high adhesion


High adhesion grease resistant to dust In industry and in many specialist applications, there is an increasing demand for lubricants that will not only effectively reduce friction and mechanical wear, but also provide protection against the ingress of contaminants such as dust, dirt or sand. The ideal solution in such...

Jaki smar stosować do wibracji?


Wibracje są jednym z największych wyzwań dla maszyn i urządzeń przemysłowych w zakresie ich eksploatacji a co za tym idzie smarowania węzłów tarcia. Wibracje często prowadzą do przedwczesnego zużycia elementów, ich degradacji oraz awarii sprzętu. Aby zminimalizować ryzyko takich problemów, kluczowe jest dobranie odpowiedniego smaru, który sprosta wysokim obciążeniom i...