LUBRINA L-23 - Synthetic turbine gas meter oil

€18,95 EUR

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Baza chemiczna: Syntetyczna PAO Polialfaolefina

Cechy szczególne: Dobra odporność na utlenianie, Dobra wodoodporność, Kompatybilność guma i tworzywa, Wydajność w wysokich temperatur., Wysoka odporność na zużycie

Przemysł: Chemia i Petrochemia, Energetyczny, Konsumencki, Ropa i gaz

Typ produktu: Olej

Wysoka temperatura: +151°C do 200°C

Zastosowanie: Serwomechanizmy, Smarowanie gumy i elastomerów


Oil for turbine gas meters

Used to lubricate moving parts in turbine gas meters.
It has a high viscosity index, thanks to which the viscosity changes gently with changes in temperature.

It is characterized by excellent adhesion to the friction surface, which ensures a very long period of reliable operation between lubrications.

Fully synthetic oil with excellent anti-wear and rheological properties. Resistant to oxidation-causing factors; does not change its parameters during operation. Very good viscosity index means it can be used in a wide temperature range.

Operating stability range from -50°C to 180°C.

viscosity at 20°C: 22 ± 2 cSt

viscosity at 40°C: 11 ± 1 cSt

working temperature: -50°C÷180°C

BIO — BIODEGRADABLE (biodegradable)


  • For lubricating precision mechanisms of turbine gas meters.
  • Recommended for gas meters of the following types: CGT-DN 100, CGT-DN150, CGT-DN 200, CGT-DN 250, CGT-DN 300.

Features and benefits

  • It is an odorless and non-toxic oil.
  • Very good quality oil – ensures long operation of gas meters.
  • Wide operating temperature range from –50°C to 180°C.
  • Gentle changes in viscosity with temperature changes – can be used at low temperatures without significant impact on device operation.
  • Excellent lubricating properties

Technical Parameters of Lubrina L 23 Gas Meter Oil

Color slightly yellow
Smell mild
Density at 20°C, g/cm 3 0.92 ± 0.03
Application temperature range, °C -50 ÷ 180
Kinematic viscosity at 20°C, cSt 22 ± 2
Kinematic viscosity at 40°C, cSt 11 ± 1
Flash point, °C >210

How to use

L-23 oil should be poured into the gas meter to the level marked on the device.


L-23 Turbine Gas Meter Oil is a composition of selected synthetic oils and appropriately selected additives.


L-23 oil is packed in PE bottles with net capacities:
250ml and 1l and in 5l PE canisters .

Storage and durability

If L-23 Turbine Gas Meter Oil is stored in original packaging at temperatures between +5°C and +25°C, its shelf life is at least 36 months from the date of production.

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