JAX MAGNA-PLATE 22 - Synthetic grease for freezers

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Atest: NSF H1 spożywczy do kontaktu z żywnością

Baza chemiczna: Syntetyczna PAO Polialfaolefina

Cechy szczególne: Do Centralnego Układu Smarowania, Dobra ochrona przed korozją, Dobra wodoodporność, Kompatybilność guma i tworzywa, Wydajność w niskich temperaturach, Wysoka odporność na zużycie

Konsystencja NLGI: NLGI 0

Niska temperatura: mniej niż -50°C

Przemysł: Medycyna i farmacja, Żywność i Napoje

Wysoka temperatura: +151°C do 200°C

Zastosowanie: Maszyny spożywcze, Prowadnice ślizgowe, Smarowanie gumy i elastomerów, Smarowanie tworzyw sztucznych, Łożyska toczne, Łożyska ślizgowe, Łożyska ślizgowe panewki tuleje

JAX Magna-Plate® 22

Synthetic grease designed for freezers and other applications, with a pour point of -68°C

Grease with a thin consistency NLGI-0.5. Thanks to this, it is easily pumpable and suitable for central lubrication systems.

JAX Magna-Plate 22 grease is thickened with a food-grade calcium sulfonate complex, which provides exceptional mechanical stability, very high load-bearing capacity and exceptional rust and corrosion control. It also has excellent water resistance

JAX Magna Plate 22 uses a synthetic polyalphaolefin base oil with excellent oxidation stability, wear resistance.

It demonstrates unmatched performance at very low temperatures found in all types of cooling and freezing equipment, while allowing the grease to maintain excellent consistency at elevated temperatures

Applications and Use

The grease meets the lubricant requirements for almost every food freezing machine application, ensuring the highest performance from a food grade grease.

  • bearings
  • freezers
  • cold stores
  • grease for refrigeration

    Features and benefits

    • Unmatched low-temperature performance
    • Unmatched EP and anti-wear properties
    • Very good compatibility with most lubricants
    • Excellent rust and corrosion control
    • Excellent pumpability (suitable for central lubrication systems)
    • Protection of freezing equipment

    JAX MagnaPlate 22 product parameters

      Base oil type  PAO polyalphaolefins
      Working penetration 335-365
      NLGI consistency 0.5
      Dropping point, ºC  274
      Viscosity @ 40ºC, cSt 16.8
      Viscosity @ 100ºC, cSt  3.9
      Viscosity index 140
      Freezing point(ºC) -70
      Flash point (ºC) 238
      Burn point (ºC) 260
      Color colorless
      Micronox antibacterial properties Yes
      Timken OK Load, KG 60
      Four-Ball Weld Test, pounds (ASTM D 2509) 500
      Four-Wheel Test Wear, mm (ASTM D 2266( 0.45
      Salt mist corrosion (hrs Until failure) 300
      Water leaching test (ASTM D 1264) 4.5% weight loss

      MICRONOX® Microbiological Protection

      Magna-Plate 22 grease features new Mikronox® antimicrobial technology that inactivates most forms of current microbiological contamination, including yeasts, molds, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
      and is particularly effective against Listeria monocytogenes, E. Coli (Escherichia coli) and Salmonella (Salmonella typhimurium).

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