smary wysokotemperaturowe zastosowania


Understanding high temperature greases

Grzegorz Dobrzański

The importance of high temperature lubricants High lubricant temperatures play a key role in maintaining the performance and durability of machines operating in extreme thermal conditions. These specialty lubricants are designed to withstand elevated temperatures without losing their lubricating properties, ensuring smooth operation and preventing costly equipment failures. Basic features...

Lubricating the Chain of an Electric Bicycle


Lubricating the Chain of an Electric Bicycle When buying an electric bicycle, often called an e-bike, we wonder whether the maintenance of its components is the same as that of traditional bicycles. In our today's considerations, we will focus on the electric bicycle chain. How to lubricate the chain on...

What lubricant should be used for electric bike gears?


What lubricant should be used for electric bike gears? It is usually recommended to use a dedicated grease for electric bike gears, which should be characterized by high strength, resistance to loads and oxidation, as well as provide adequate lubrication in various weather conditions and be compatible with plastics. Electric...

Smar z czego się składa / Co jest w smarze


Co składa się na smar Nie wszystkie smary są takie same, podobnie jak nie wszystkie zastosowania wymagające smaru są takie same. Na przykład, jeden smar jest przeznaczony do pracy w bardzo gorących środowiskach, takich jak huty stali i musi być stabilny mechanicznie, podczas gdy inny smar jest przeznaczony do pracy...